Virtual company JIPOCAR Packaging



Project name: JIPOCAR Virtual Enterprise Packaging
Component: call I Virtual enterprise from component 1.5 of the National Recovery Plan
Call: Virtual Enterprise - Call I


The main objective of the project implementation is to increase the digital level of the applicant's business activity. The implementation will include the acquisition of software for the management of
The implementation of the software will be used to manage batches of car washes and robots.


This Call is announced in the framework of the implementation of the National Recovery Plan. The owner of the component is the Ministry of Industry and Trade.


Virtual company JIPOCAR Services



Project name: Virtual company JIPOCAR Services
Component: call I Virtual company from component 1.5 of the National Recovery Plan
Call: Virtual company - 1st Call


The main objective of the project is to increase the digital level of the applicant's business activity. Within the framework of the implementation, advanced
technologies in the form of software and hardware.


This Call is announced in the framework of the implementation of the National Recovery Plan. The owner of the component is the Ministry of Industry and Trade.


Virtual company JIPOCAR Logistic



Project name: Virtual company JIPOCAR Logistic
Component: call I Virtual company from component 1.5 of the National Recovery Plan
Call: Virtual Enterprise - Call I

The main objective of the project is to increase the digital level of the applicant's business activities and to connect logistics services. In the framework of the implementation
advanced technologies will be purchased - RFC in my STOCK system, mobile terminal and web application.

This Call is announced in the framework of the implementation of the National Recovery Plan. The owner of the component is the Ministry of Industry and Trade.


Photovoltaics Exit 112 - Phase I



Project name: Photovoltaics at Exit 112 - Phase I

Call: Photovoltaic systems with/without storage Call I - activity a)


The main objective of the implementation is to save energy costs and become more energy self-sufficient through the acquisition of a photovoltaic system.


This Call is announced in the framework of the implementation of the National Recovery Plan in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council. The owner of the component and the implementing entity is the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.

