„jipocar - everywhere on time"


Our Company provides comprehensive top-level services in the sphere of forwarding, logistics, and customs proceedings. Customer service is our priority number one - we are serious service providers. We acknowledge that a major part of the credit for our achievements goes primarily to our devoted, professional staff.

Our employees obtain continuous education. Lifelong professional upgrading is one of the prerequisites of our company's competitiveness. We provide our staff with opportunities for adult education, both professional and personal, thus enabling them to keep pace with issues relevant to quality of services and environmental protection.

Our customers find solid partners in us - partners they can rely on, even after the country's accession to the EU. We put emphasis on personal qualities and ethical conduct in business. Bilateral communication and cooperation is our credo.

Our suppliers are the best in their respective fields of specialty. Selective approach to our suppliers and their qualifications is the best assurance of quality services to our customers and simultaneously a way of guaranteeing appropriate working conditions and quality equipment for our employees. Being selective and exerting influence on our suppliers is part of our policy.

Our processes are effectively controlled and constantly improved. Our customers' requirements as well as ideas and stimuli from our employees form the driving force leading to improvement of the level of our services.

Our environment and its protection is a matter of course for us, along with support for culture, sports, and education in the region. The nature of our business requires that we pay utmost attention to the environment and local infrastructure. Therefore we take preventive measures to eliminate pollution and minimize negative impact on the environment. Protection of the environment is an integral part of the decisions we make with respect to our methods and technology. Compliance with environmental legislation and other relevant regulations is prerequisite to all the activities and the choices we make - we protect the environment in everything we do.

Prevention of serious accidents in the process for storing chemical substances and preparations means to store them in the way that no accidents with serious consequences occur. It is our common aim and responsibility of each employee who is concerned with the storage to minimize the occurrence of accidents. We focus on precautionary attitudes, proper handling and regular inspection and maintenance of accident prevention devices and equipment. Regular control of activities and procedures leads up to improvement of serious accident prevention system

Our slogan is „JIPOCAR - everywhere on time“

By implementing this policy of ours we aim to implant the name of our company in the subconsciousness of our customers and partners, so that they associate JIPOCAR with high-quality professional services and responsible approach to the environment.

In order to meet the requirements of our Integrated Corporate Policy, our company has introduced a system of recording, constantly expanding, and improving its Quality Management System (QMS), in accordance with the ISO 9001:2000 Standards, and Environmental Management System (EMS), in accordance with the ISO 14001:1997 Standards. Both systems are constantly upgraded by means of relevant projects, preventive measures, goals, and programs. JIPOCAR's top management approves and directly oversees all the relevant activities.


V Jihlavě 21.1.2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
